Telephone interview (CATI)
Description of the technique
The Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing (CATI) is a survey done by phone which uses computer programmes. Unlike the CAPI the interviewer does not meet the interviewee in person. He reads the questions from the computer display, accepts the respondent’s answers and types them into the CATI-programme.
Pros and cons of this technique
The CATI leads the course of an interview and transfers from one question directly to the next. This enables an efficient and complex survey situation. Further advantages are the quick implementation and cost savings and the test persons can be easily reached. Moreover, the interviewee’s anonymity is preserved, which leads to a better responsiveness.
Like the CAPI, it is possible to skip questions or to filter. The data is available in digital form at the end of the interview.
Although there are no technical limits, a typical consumer interview should not exceed 10 to 15 minutes in time. In addition, it is not possible to ask complex questions or to incorporate elements like images or videos.
Our performance
We offer you conception, implementation and evaluation from a single source. We conduct interviews for you in Europe and overseas from our 40 CATI – work stations. A supervisor directs and controls the studies and guarantees a high quality of data.
Our telephone studio is equipped with the latest technology. We have a CTI-selection available, which enables us to register audio files and to direct the phone data banks efficiently. Optimal interviewer performance is guaranteed by comprehensive measures of quality management.