Combined telephone- and web-interview – CATWI: We combine the advantages of the internet and the telephone interview in this innovative technique.
Description of the technique
- A targeted selection of the possible participants is done by contacting them by telephone.
- We make a short interview to get some information on the respondents. This is stored in our server and used to choose the necessary test persons.
- Then the chosen test persons receive an e-mail with a password, which allows them (once) to enter the questionnaire in the internet.
- The data given by the questionnaire is stored in our server and added to the data given by telephone. Of course the anonymity of the interviewee is guaranteed in this case, as well.
Pros and cons of the technique
The Computer Aided Telephone and Web Interviewing (CATWI) is particularly suitable for contacting target groups who have little time, but who are receptive to the internet. They are typically used for surveys of physicians, for B2B surveys of high-ranking contact persons, who appreciate the chance to choose for themselves the right time for an interview.
Our performance
We offer you the combined telephone and online – survey from one single source. Native speakers conduct phone calls all over Europe from our own field studio. The respondents are invited to the online survey on the same day and data from both sources are linked and analysed consistently.