Benefit from our experience in telephone survey (CATI): we guarantee the highest quality and efficiency in field services.

Here are some of the features offered by our in-house telephone studio:

  • 40 CATI stations
  • Exclusive performance of the CATI interviews by our experienced interviewer team from our CATI studio in Aachen
  • Continuous interviewer training (e.g. study-specific briefings and ongoing training on privacy, objection, and address management)
  • Continuous examination of interviews through by our supervisors and feedback-talks with the interviewers
  • Paying of interviewers with a fixed hourly rate (no compensation depending on the number of interviews conducted)
  • Matching phone samples with ADM lock file
  • 25 years of field experience
  • Conducting CATI interviews with Ingress or Sawtooth software; alternatively: internet connection to the survey software of the client

We are also happy to assist you in conducting CATI studies. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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