Advertising effectiveness of transit and out-of-home advertising


Out-of-home advertising and particularly transit advertising provide a large coverage, a high number of contacts and strong advertising pressure.

Out-of-home advertising cannot be overlooked, because it can neither be turned off nor skipped over. Furthermore, transit advertising is already seen from a distance. In addition, mobile people are addressed, thus a target group is reached that is on the way to the point of sale. However, it is important that the potential customer absorbs the advertising message as intended.

Your advantage

Transit, respectively out-of-home advertising, should mainly arouse curiosity. We analyse, if the consumers remember contents of advertising and we find out which contents they recall.

You receive an extensive presentation on all advertising recalls and effects of your target group. Our experienced team will support you in designing or improving your campaigns and also check, if your advertising activities suit your image and positioning.

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